Entrepreneurship Workshop in Karachi for Kids - Chottay Sikkay

I still remember I was 15 years old, full of enthusiasm, dreams and ambitions when I encountered the first experience with this guy. People referred to him as a Motivational speaker. His energy, his optimism and his confidence in me, I can never forget. He kept repeating that we all have the power and the potential to change the world. We all are blessed with a gift. All one has to do is find it. The belief he showed in me, and the lessons he taught me, I never thought would have such a profound impact on my life!

Fast Forward… Days went by and I got lost. The ambitious kid who dreamed big started turning into ordinary. The mediocre one. One like many in the crowd, following the same monotonous routine, going to school, passing out from college and then came the BIG DECISION.

What career will I be pursuing? That’s no tough decision. We have a few options which most of us pick. And you are gonna do the same. And without my consent, I was pushed onto that track.

“You are too young to decide…” OR “We know better” were the statements I got from elders when they ignored my passions not taking into account what I enjoyed and how that is the main factor for you to excel.

Time kept flying and I kept adjusting. I worked hard but could never excel because I never loved what I do. I graduated and got a job and spent 3 years asking myself, should I waste this beautiful gift called life by following a path that wasn’t meant for me or achieve happiness and contentment by following the true reason for my being.

A sound whispered “you know the answer” and I realized this was the sound of the same 15-year-old me whom I had lost along the way. The 15-year-old me who did believe he could change the world.

That was the turning point when I took a leap of faith and decided to walk on the road less travelled. The path where your passion guides you.

The story continues…

——Arsalan Ajmal——

Another corner of the world…

I was spending a successful life. I was living in one of the most advanced cities of the world, I possessed all luxuries and was serving a corporation that is considered to be a global giant.

Despite having all, something had been missing. I was successful (in a way the world looks at success). But I didn’t have internal peace.

What was the purpose of my existence? Was it having all for myself and just keep planning the next holiday spot?

I wanted to explore new domains, find my passion, learn, test new waters, grow and more than anything, CONTRIBUTE.

People felt I was successful because I had a lot of money but that was not my definition of success.

For me, success is doing something meaningful and contributing to others lives. And I was doing was doing nothing like that.
Despite having everything, I still felt stuck.

That was the point when I decided to leave my comfort zone and follow my passion. That was then when this roller coaster ride of a journey of learning, growth and contribution began.

The story continues…

——Mohsin J——


Arsalan and Mohsin took 2 different paths but their paths converged at a point when they met. They met with an idea to create a team of entrepreneurs. Finding individuals who had the same beliefs and values. Nurturing a team of talented and passionate individuals who wanted to change the world.

But the more they met different individuals the more disappointed they got. Young individuals, who belonged to very well known academic institutions of the country, were LOST just like a herd of sheep with no passion, direction and fire inside them. It was not only outside, but the same stories were also inside their families. And it was their young ones who were the victims.

They realized it wasn’t only them who were the victim of the flawed education system. We were destroying our future generation by pushing them into a broken system.


What we need to teach our kids is self-awareness, finding their passions, trying new things, embracing failures, learning from every step in life and using your gifts to give back to the world.

Most of us have been a victim of a flawed and obsolete educational system. A system that was designed to fulfil the needs of the industrial era. We have destroyed talented individuals by pushing them into a broken system.

We have a term for that. It is called Entrepreneurship.


Chottay sikkay is a dream – a dream to create KID ENTREPRENEURS. Giving kids a platform to do what they are born to do.

A platform where kids will begin a journey to follow their passion. They will play, learn, experiment, fail, live their dream, explore their potential, push their boundaries, try and test new things and use their gifts to create a better world.

It is the failures that take you one step closer to success right? 😉

We do not only celebrate success here – but failures will also be encouraged and celebrated.

We do not want to create an army of robots who are uniform. We want to flourish humanity by nurturing unique individuals from an early age.


We teach them they way they want to learn i.e.fun first learning later.

We immerse kids in the emotionally charged experiences of learning.

We are anti-school.


  • Have you been part of a circle that believes in finding your purpose. The natural ability that only you possess. Passion that drives you?
  • Have you ever met a bunch of individuals, who continously keep challenging the status quo?
  • Have you experienced company of individuals who have decided they wont settle for less and will keep pushing their boundaries and will keep growing?
  • Ever seen people who not celebrates failures. Because they consider Failure as an opportunity to learn something new and start again in a better way.
  • Did you ever sit with a group of people, who believe in giving back. Giving back to create a better world.







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